Many people have the same questions about hearing aids and hearing loss, here are some frequently asked questions.
I have been told that I have nerve deafness. Can hearing instruments help?
Probably. Estimates are that 95% of hearing losses can be helped with amplification. Most hearing instrument users suffer from this type of loss. Medical experts generally agree that no effective medical treatment has been found for nerve deafness. If you are one of the estimated 40 million Americans who suffer from this kind of hearing loss, you should call us today.
My hearing isn’t really so bad. Why shouldn’t I put off getting hearing instruments?

Untreated hearing loss can progress, sometimes rapidly, resulting in a condition known as “Auditory Deprivation.” This condition arises when hearing loss goes untreated for an extended length of time and can result in the inability to distinguish and understand certain words.
I can hear people when they talk but sometimes have difficulty understanding what they are saying. How are hearing and understanding related?
Hearing takes place in your brain; understanding words and sentences is a function of your brain. Your ears collect sound, transform it into nerve impulses, and send them to the brain where understanding takes place. If the deadening of the nerves (Celia) has occurred, understanding may become difficult or sometimes impossible because parts of the sound are missing. A properly fitted, hearing instrument is designed to compensate for a loss of sensitivity and can positively affect your ability to hear sound.
I can understand when one person is speaking in a quiet room. But will hearing instruments help me to understand in a crowd?
Much of the noise in our surroundings is low-pitched and tends to mask out the weaker, high-pitched sounds that give speech meaning. The latest development to solve hearing and understanding problems in a crowd is the Low-Frequency Reduction Switch (LFRS). This tiny system reduces the frequencies where background noise exists. Although the noise is not eliminated, its masking effect may be reduced.
I have difficulty hearing in both ears. Do I have to wear an instrument in each ear?
When both ears are impaired, two-ear assistance is often superior to that of a single instrument. If one of your eyes were weaker than the other, you wouldn’t wear just one lens, would you?
A doctor told me hearing instruments wouldn’t help. What can I do?
Technological advances in the design of hearing instruments have given thousands of people, just like you, the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of superior amplification.
My hearing has been getting worse. If I am fit with hearing instruments, will I have to replace them soon?
A hearing instrument is normally fitted with adjustable circuitry, which, to a degree, may be adjusted to your changing hearing loss. We can often update your firmware instead of requiring you to obtain new hearing aids. Just one of many, many reasons to choose Hearing Healthcare Center.
I’m not sure hearing instruments will help me. Should I try before I buy?
Good idea. We are so confident in the technology, we offer a 30-day return period. However, to succeed with amplification, you have to be committed. If you prematurely stop using the instruments, you may never know how close to success you were.
I have a friend who has a hearing instrument but doesn’t use it. Why should I take the chance of doing the same thing?
Since all hearing losses and instruments are different, your friend may have been incorrectly fitted or obtained a stock instrument not suitable for their precise hearing loss and was unable to wear the instrument comfortably. Today’s advanced hearing instruments, which are fit with great precision, can go a long way toward Active Satisfaction.* (*Active Satisfaction is that recurring state where you’re constantly saying to yourself, “Wow, these hearing aids with Active Hearing Technology really make a big difference.”)
Are hearing instruments hard to wear?
No. At one time the only hearing instruments available were bulky and uncomfortable to wear. Today, however, you can be fit with hearing instruments that are custom-built to fit entirely within your ear canal.
I don’t want my friends to know I am hard of hearing. Will others notice I am wearing hearing instruments?
Let’s face it: anybody who knows you well probably already knows you have a hearing problem. Hiding a hearing loss can be much harder than hiding a hearing instrument. The good news: with today’s technology, we can often make hearing aids so small they can look and feel virtually invisible.
Tips for Better Communication
Your hearing care professional will recommend an appropriate schedule to help you adapt to your new hearing system. It will take practice, time, and patience for your brain to adapt to the new sounds that your hearing system provides. Hearing is only part of how we share thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Reading lips, facial expressions, and gestures can help the learning process and add to what amplification alone may miss.
Please review the following simple communication tips:
For You
- Move closer to and look at the speaker
- Sit face-to-face in a quiet room
- Try different locations to find the best place to listen
- Minimize distractions
- Background noises may be frustrating at first; remember, you have not heard them for a while.
- Let others know what you need; keep in mind that people cannot see your hearing loss
- Develop realistic expectations of what your hearing instruments can and cannot do
- Better hearing with hearing instruments is a learned skill combining desire, practice, and patience
For Your Family and Friends
Your family and friends are also affected by your hearing loss. Request that they:
- Get your full attention before beginning to speak
- Look at you or sit face-to-face in a quiet room
- Speak clearly and at a normal rate and level; shouting can actually make understanding more difficult
- Rephrase rather than repeat the same words; different words may be easier to understand
- Minimize distractions while speaking
Hearing Instrument Care
Do your best to keep your hearing instrument clean at all times. Heat, moisture, and foreign substances can result in poor performance
- Clean daily over a soft cloth to prevent damage from a fall to a hard surface
- Use a cleaning brush to clean debris from around the microphone, receiver, and the battery compartment
- Never use water, solvents, cleaning fluids, or oil to clean your instrument
Your hearing care professional can provide further information on additional maintenance procedures for your hearing system if needed.
Helpful Hints
When not wearing your hearing instruments, open the battery door to allow any moisture to evaporate
- When not in use, remove the batteries completely; place your hearing system in the storage container and store:
- In a dry, safe place
- Away from direct sunlight or heat to avoid extreme temperatures
- Where you can easily find them
- Safely out of reach of pets and children
- Do not take apart your hearing instruments or insert the cleaning tools inside them.
Service and Repair
If, for any reason, your hearing system does not operate properly, do NOT attempt to fix it yourself. Not only are you likely to violate any applicable warranties or insurance, you could easily cause further damage. If problems continue, contact your hearing care professional for advice and assistance.